Ramblings, Writings, Thoughts, and More!

Friday, September 24, 2010

First Ever College Classes

So, yesterday I had my first ever college class. Just one yesterday. That was nice. It was a Creative Writing class for Poetry. I need to write a poem a week for nine weeks, something that I won't have any trouble with. And the best thing is? I'll get to post up the poems I write on here!

I was back from class pretty early. At nine in the morning actually, which felt good. I had nothing to do after that, so my friend and I just biked around, looking for other classes we had to make sure we wouldn't get lost (a feat I have, so far, succeeded in) and we went all the way to Cuarto.

Now let me tell you something. Cuarto? It's pretty far. For someone who hasn't been on a bike for that long, anyways. It was manageable, but MAN am I glad that I don't live in Cuarto. I truly feel for the people who have to bike all the way from Cuarto to campus.

"Did she say to campus?"

Yes, reader. I did. Cuarto happens to be off campus, unlike Tercero and Segundo. Thankfully I reside in one of the latter two. Which one, you ask? Not telling. Don't want a possible stalker now, do I? Let's just say that I can get to my classes on time and leave it at that.

And then today I had two classes. Something I wasn't looking forward to at first. Chemistry and then Calculus. My two least favorite classes. But then I met the teachers, both of whom are very interesting people and are very enthusiastic about their subject. I always think a good teacher is enthusiastic about the subject he or she is teaching. And these two seemed to truly love their subject. I think I'm actually going to like these two classes. I know, I know. Crazy, right? It's true. I guess a good teacher makes for a good class.

And now, I'm going to be going back home for the weekend to see my family and to pick up some stuff that I, being me, forgot at home. I get to spend the rest of today the whole of tomorrow and most of the day after at home, and I'm thrilled. No, that's not sarcasm that you sense. I actually am looking forward to seeing my family. I miss them. I admit it. But life goes on!

I'll update you guys soon.



  1. hey wow so nice reading the first day of your college life :) but how would you feel writing a poem a week for 9 weeks

  2. Haha! I already wrote the first one :D

  3. yes yes good for u ....write few more... have fun
